Welcome to Sampoorna College of Ayurveda & Vedic Studies, opened in 2016. Sampoorna offers the highest level of Ayurveda education by providing a strong and comprehensive curriculum with a personalized learning approach. Our classes have a limited number of students to ensure better learning and faculty interaction.
Ayurveda is not only a medical science, but it also teaches us that every human being has a physical, mental, and spiritual body. Sampoorna College promotes personal transformation and prepares students to educate and counsel the community by using this complete model which includes lifestyle modifications, nutritional recommendations, herbs, home remedies, detoxification, psychology, yoga and other spiritual disciplines from the Vedic tradition.
Our expert faculty pledges to match your enthusiasm with dedication, professional courtesy, and a sincere desire to help you meet your personal and career goals.
With these hopes, our college welcomes future practitioners, teachers, and leaders and invites you to help us raise the awareness of and expand the availability of this most precious science.
Anay Abreu
College Director
Our Mission
At Sampoorna College of Ayurveda & Vedic Studies , our aim is to provide the Gold Standard in Ayurveda Education in the U.S and to promote universal laws that apply to every man, of any race, gender and nationality.
As practitioners and educators, we undertake to join students in spreading the knowledge of complete health and higher living to our families and communities.
Our faculty encourages living an engaged Ayurvedic lifestyle, as the best means to maintain and promote authentic practice both in and outside the classroom. We are what we teach and choose to set a standard of excellence, propelling students into careers as successful practitioners, healers and health innovators.